Average revenue per user

Average revenue per user and $35.8 million revenue per month. According to "PC Magazine", Vudu is the 51st most popular site in the world.

Vudu shows "Australian" content, but most of the content is made with US or UK voice actors, e.g. "Billboard" 100 hits Australian songs and DJs are created in Australia. Such content is also brought to DVD for release in Australia and New Zealand.

Vandalism of VudubebLive.com was reported on January 19, 2009, a week before the second game of "Madden NFL 12" had been released. Security cameras were installed in an area near the data centre for security reasons.

The site took down their website on April 13, 2009 after being accused of a raft of "hate crime" activity. Kathy Rigby, a member of the Liverpool Echo, claimed the website blocked news that linked Jamie's death to the Antelope Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.

Liverpool police and police in Australia later determined this was not the case and were led to believe the site should have done more to ensure that it did not block news, which led to the discontinuation of the service.

On June 16, 2009 Vuduglake was reported to be experiencing technical difficulties with some of its services, possibly caused by the crash of the server. Vududu came back online on July 19, and the website however displayed information that the site was not running.

In October 2009 the site acquired Bright Future, and was eventually renamed as Vudemail.

Main websites are registered in Australia, as there are no special requirements for an international domain name, as they all do. However, in North America, the Registrar of Companies of the United States District Court in Federal Circuit, District of Massachusetts, has a 15-day waiting period for a domain name in your country and requires it to have a unique, private, Canadian or American namespace. The Registrant Registration Service of the National Registry of Internet Fraud Registry, Inc. has a different process for verifying that an individual is the owner of a domain in a country outside of the purview of this Registry.
